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Career Choice Academies
Our Career Choice Academies are bar none! Students can earn career certifications and college credits from our top-ranked programs. Accelerate your child’s academic career by enrolling in one of our academies! All our career academies include Digital Information Technology Certifications and students become a Microsoft Office Specialist.
Core Courses
Inlet Grove includes a full accredited general course structure that meets all Florida state standards.

Algebra I & II Honors
The fundamental purpose of these courses is to formalize and extend the mathematics learned in the middle grades.

AP Lang & Comp
The AP English Language and Composition course aligns to an introductory college-level rhetoric and writing curriculum.

This course is intended to develop practical skills in differential and integral calculus. It also illustrates various applications of calculus to technical problems.

This is an introductory course in theories and concepts of modern chemistry. This course is designed to prepare students for college chemistry.

English I-IV honors
Students use texts of high complexity, advanced integrated language arts study in reading and writing for college and career preparation and readiness.

Earth Space Science
Earth and Space Science is the study of the processes that shape the Earth and explain the universe, which includes the four main branches of Earth Science.

Econ/Gov't Honors
This course is composed of two halves, initiating with economics in the first half and ending with Government.

AP Envir. Science
The course provides students with the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world.

This course formalizes and extends students’ geometric experience. Students explore complex geometric situations and deepen their explanations of geometric relationships.

Skills include listening, speaking, reading and writing with an emphasis on the spoken language. As well as pronunciation, vocabulary building and elementary grammar and composition. Cultural aspects of Hispanic populations will be discussed.

Health Science
This course offers students an interdisciplinary approach to study health science and global public health. Health science prepares students for careers related to medicine, nursing, health science, and allied health programs.

The purpose of this course is to investigate ancient and modern events and social trends. Also, to explore various themes such as imperialism, globalization, war and specific groups or time periods throughout the history period.

Hope & Phys. Ed.
Students develop physical, cognitive, effective, and social domains through a movement based curriculum. It also provide knowledge, skills, and behaviors that will enable an individual to be active and physically fit through a healthy lifestyle.

Skippers/Dual Enrollment
Advanced middle school students can “skip" into high school with level-appropriate scores and academic honors. Dual Enrollment enables qualified students in the 10th, 11th and 12th grades to enroll in approved courses in Palm Beach State College